Thursday, March 19, 2009
Cleansing the groom
Indian weddings are elaborate affairs with a million rules. The thali needs to be picked up by a certain number of people at specific times. We practically opened the store for them as we were the first customers.

You then have 2 pre wedding events that are like a cleansing ceremony held at both families homes seperately. Family and friends gather together to drench each half with sandal paste, oil and more. The fun part is watching and urging the aunties to make a mess of the “victim”.

Every point in life is a special moment,
capture your memories in images.

For more information on packages and schedule. Please contact


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Wednesday, March 4, 2009
April 6, 2009
Beauty in Destruction

You're invited to our first photography exhibition.

April 6 - 19, 2009
KLPAC, Sentul, Kuala Lumpur

The exhibition will feature photographs captured by Kaz and Visithra using a range of Point and Shoot, DSLR and film format Canon Cameras.

For more information - view our facebook event page

I hope to meet everyone at the exhibition - let me know if you're coming and when and I will try to meet you then.

ps : if we have never met, or we're not really good friends don't add me on facebook - I will ignore you. Do invite yourself to the event though! ;p

Every point in life is a special moment,
capture your memories in images.

For more information on packages and schedule. Please contact


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